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High Road Foundation releases Economic Benefit and Impact Study for I-270

The High Road Foundation is excited to share the recently completed "Economic Benefit and Impact Study of Monorail from Frederick to Shady Grove along I-270" prepared by the reknowned analysis firm EBP based in Boston.
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Highlights of the analysis include: a projected benefit-cost ratio of 2.44, cumulative economic growth impacts are forecast at $3.8 billion in business revenue, $1.7 billion in labor income, and an average of 755 jobs per year from 2027 to 2055.

“First we proved you could physically do it, then we proved there’s a demand for it,” said Eisinger, a managing member at Rockville-based Promark Partners. “We’ve just proved that, economically, you can’t afford not to do this.” The High Road Foundation has provided the study to both the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDDOT) and the Maryland-National Capitol Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) to assist with their on-going studies of how best to alleviate congestion along I-270 and support business development in the corridor.

Click here to download the report and learn more.